Triangular Book - Legacy of the Count of St. Germain

On Immortality, Treasures, and Ancient Wisdom

The big promise of magic, especially that attributed to the Count of St. Germain, is longevity or even immortality. While the spirits insist that true immortality is out of reach to humans “by design,” the possibility of life extension by hundreds or even thousands of years exists.


Following the enigmatic introduction, there is an illustration of a dragon, a most unusual and curious example of this creature. It has a small snarling face on its tail, a lack of hind legs, and its posture suggests a Lion rampant rather than the typical fire-breathing wyrm. Its tongue has a triangle tip, it has distinct five claws of a Japanese vs. Chinese dragon, and amidst its colored plumage can be seen a remarkably well-painted human eye.


Longevity is the key secret of the Count of St. Germain. Centuries of time have dimmed the other, lesser known legends of his immense knowledge, wealth, and mysterious origin. So what did the Count recommend to all those who sought this precious gift of long life? It was the following recipe, presented clearly for the first time in nearly 300 hundred years.


The circle is an essential component of every magical ritual. It is a special delineated space for magician to operate, offering both safety and visibility. By examining the words and figures that make up the circle we can gain an understanding of both the ceremony and its creator/operator. Here is the circle as given in the Triangular Book.

We note a few things of interest.


The first words of the Triangular Book, and what becomes its identification in libraries and catalogues, are in Latin:

.::. Ex Dono Sapientissimi Comitis St. Germain Qui Orbem Terrarum Per Cucurrit

“Presented as a gift by the wisest Count of St. Germain, a man who has traveled the world.”


The “big reveal” that appears in my publication of Triangular Book of St. Germain (Ouroboros Press, 2014) relates to the sacred names of the spirits. The author of the manuscript thought it was insufficient to apply the substitution cipher and reversed, fragmented, and generally obfuscated the names. As a result, all previous efforts at translation and decoding proved inadequate.


The most cursory glance inside the Triangular manuscript will show that it is composed in cipher. As we discussed in previous chapter, there are several manuscripts out there, each slightly different from the other. Perhaps not too surprisingly, the same goes for the ciphers and their keys.

For the first time ever, we present here three cipher keys from different sources for your study and contemplation.


Any good mystery has a multitude of twists, surprises, and unexpected turns. Readers of Umberto Eco, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Charles Maturin, and Dan Brown would not expect that a rare magical manuscript would yield its mysteries at once. Nor would it be possible to pin it down to just one place, time, and owner.

The Triangular Book is no exception. A cursory research shows that there exist two source manuscripts, once owned collectively by Manly P. Hall, and referred to as Hogart MS 209 and 210. The two differ sufficiently on several key points.


Here are but a few impressions that the Count of St. Germain left on notable personas of the 18th century. Together, they paint an image this man has created in the hearts and minds of his contemporaries.

He has been here (England) these two years, and will not tell who he is, or whence, but professes two wonderful things, the first that he does not go by his right name; and the second that he never had any dealings with any woman – nay, nor with any substitute. He sings, plays on the violin wonderfully, composes, is mad, and not very sensible. He is called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole; a somebody that married a great fortune in Mexico, and ran away with her jewels to Constantinople; a priest, a fiddler, a vast nobleman. The Prince of Wales has had un-satiated curiosity about him, but in vain.

Horace Walpole, British Politician, 1745

Horace Walpole


Imagine an ancient manuscript composed hundreds of years ago by a mysterious Count. He was renowned as an alchemist and a wizard, and people whispered that he may even be immortal. When he disappeared from the public eye, he left behind just one book, written in code.

This cipher, when broken and turned to readable language, reveals a ritual to accomplish some of the greatest magical feats: extending life to 100 years and beyond, gaining great wealth, and uncovering great secrets lost since the Great Flood.

It may seem like a piece of fine fiction, but it is all true. This is The Triangular Book of Count of St. Germain.

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